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Legal support for show business

Legal support for show business



Show business is concerned with the creation and distribution of creative content, including music, books, films, television and radio broadcasts, streaming media, theater productions, broadcast messages, video games. Such creative content is protected by copyright and/or related copyright.

Even at the initial stage of cooperation between various players in the entertainment industry, it is necessary to understand how the protection in relation to the created intellectual property will be established . This will help minimize possible risks in the future, especially if a creative project is successful.
For whom

For whom

We work both with content creators (artists, writers, musicians, performers, etc.), and with companies that help artists in show business - they invest in content creation and are engaged in its distribution and promotion (producers, managers, distributors, etc.). Our specialists help creative projects that require regular legal assistance, as well as those clients who are interested in one-time services.


We provide support for show business — we draw up and check already prepared contracts on the grant or alienation of rights. Our task is to help representatives of the entertainment industry understand the terms of the proposed contract for signing. We also help creative teams write down contracts on the future of the project on paper.

Our team is engaged in the protection of rights in the event of unlawful use of creative content, including the preparation of claims and statements of claim. In addition, we develop and implement protection strategies if an artist or label is unreasonably accused of violating the copyright and/or related rights of third parties.
News and publications
WIPO Discussion on Artificial Intelligence
On July 7–9, 2020, the second round of the World Intellectual Property Organization Discussion on the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Determining Intellectual Property Policy was held.
Tobacco Company Trademark Infringement Dispute
Svetlana Uskova gave comments to Delovoy Peterburg on the dispute between two tobacco companies — Petro LLC (St. Petersburg) and Samarin LLC (Moscow).
Use of geographic names in the registration of trademarks
By the Resolution of the Presidium of the Court for Intellectual Property Rights (SIP) dated 12.09.2019 No.SP-21/31, a Review on SIP practice on issues related to the use of geographical names in the registration of trademarks was taken into account.