Software services

Software services



Computer programs are subject to copyright. Specifically , it is the code that is protected by copyright rather than the algorithm of the program, since copyright does not extend to ideas, concepts, methods, etc.
1261 Note. As stated in article 1261 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, copyright for all types of computer programs (including operating systems and software complexes) that can be expressed in any language and in any form, including source text and object code, are also protected in the same way as copyright for works of literature.
There are still various misconceptions about computer programs as objects of copyright. For example, developers may believe that it is enough to create a program on their own in order to maximize control of the program and avoid potential problems with its sale in the future. However, without correctly executed documents, neither transactions, nor the protection of rights in court will be successful.
For whom

For whom

Legal support from specialists in the field of copyright may be required by program developers , copyright holders of programs who are not developers , and people who are interested in the acquisition and further use of the programs.
1257 Note. In accordance with article 1257 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the author of work (object of copyright) is the citizen whose creative labor resulted in its creation, i.e., the individual.


Our company advises on the issues of fixing and transferring the primary copyright for computer programs (including service works). Often, a large number of specialists are involved in the creation of programs, the relationship between which has a different legal nature; we will suggest the best approach for each case.

We also help with minimizing the risks that may arise from the incompatibility of different types of free licenses.
Additionally, our team will help register a computer program with Rospatent. This registration does not have a legal character, but plays an important role in the confirmation of authorship and the moment of creation of the object, as well as with promoting the software.
News and publications
WIPO Discussion on Artificial Intelligence
On July 7–9, 2020, the second round of the World Intellectual Property Organization Discussion on the Role of Artificial Intelligence in Determining Intellectual Property Policy was held.
Tobacco Company Trademark Infringement Dispute
Svetlana Uskova gave comments to Delovoy Peterburg on the dispute between two tobacco companies — Petro LLC (St. Petersburg) and Samarin LLC (Moscow).
Use of geographic names in the registration of trademarks
By the Resolution of the Presidium of the Court for Intellectual Property Rights (SIP) dated 12.09.2019 No.SP-21/31, a Review on SIP practice on issues related to the use of geographical names in the registration of trademarks was taken into account.