Main Staff Svetlana Smirnova

Svetlana Smirnova

Svetlana Smirnova
St. Petersburg office pl. Constitution, 7, office 616, Leader Business Center
 Legal support for franchising
Legal support for franchising
Dispute resolution on infringement of intellectual property rights
Dispute resolution on infringement of intellectual property rights
Protection and protection of copyright
Protection and protection of copyright
Svetlana Smirnova has been a lawyer in our company since 2017.

Svetlana provides support to artists in negotiating contracts with labels, interacts with organizations for collective management of copyright, develops franchising contracts, deals with early termination of legal protection of trademarks, recognizing trademarks as well-known, prepares assessments on potential risks and ways to protect violated client rights. Svetlana received the status of a patent attorney specializing in trademarks and service marks (No. 2254).

Svetlana received her Master degree from the Law Faculty at St. Petersburg State University. The topic of her Master's thesis at the Department of Civil Law was “Ways to Protect Fashion Design”. Svetlana also received her Bachelor's degree in jurisprudence at St. Petersburg State University.

Svetlana speaks English (diploma of professional development retraining as an English Translator from St. Petersburg State University ).

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